Friday, February 27, 2009
Farewell to Net11 and the Blog world
Farewell to all, this has definately been an experience and a huge learning curve. I must admit this unit of study was so much more full on than what I expected. I ended up having to put in over double the workload than I have in any previous units. It has been fun though and good to take myself out of my comfort zone and try something else. Whilst in the short term I will not be continuing on with blogging I will not rule it out for the future. Like Peter's friends blog of her travels I think blogs can have a great use as a travel diary to keep everyone up to where you are at. Plus it must be better than having the in laws ringing at all hours of the night as they don't consider the time difference!!
Big thanks to both Peter and Cynthia who have been the most wonderful, amazing, hands on tutors I have experienced in almost 4 years of online study. Keep up the good work even though you guys must hardly sleep at all with all these posts to read and the amount of marking that it must entail.
So bye to all maybe we will cross paths somewhere, who knows.
Evaluating the Web
the reliability and authority of the site / source / article
My search took me to the Burke's Backyard website, whilst there is no author listed here it is presented as information supported by Burke's Backyards so to me would be considered fairly reliable as they have experts for their show and magazine on all sorts of topics.
the main ideas or subjects discussed in the article
the area of the site which I was directed to is a fact sheet on staffordshire bull terrier dogs. My search was for their behaviours and the fact sheet lists all areas of the dog from appearance to temperment, health and maintenance.
the purpose for which the site was written (this might include any apparent external interest, intellectual motivation or contextual information)
This site is written for a whole range of purpose, there is an abundance of information relating to plants and gardens as well as animals. It is all about lifestyle issues and topics.
For future use I think that a I would provide a link to external userss staffordshire bull terriers fact sheet which would take the reader directly to the source of the information especially since the website contains so much other information on other topics.For my own use the snapshot is probably better as you are able to get a pretty good overview of what the site is about.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Organising Search Information
I chose the first three hits , none of them are academic sites they are just giving information about the breed.
Author -Michele Welton
Institution – none
Author - unknown
Institution – CTC Productions
Author – unknown
Institution – Pet Planet
I don't have a specific program to organise my files. I create folders and subdirectories to store information in. I use google desktop to search for files if I can't find them but I generally sort my folders that I am always able to locate files when I need them. I use favourites in my internet explorer to bookmark pages I visit frequently or for later reference to save searching for them again.
Boolean Searching Task
1. the biggest number of hits relating to these key words
i searched for "staffordshire or bull or terrier or behaviour"
this search returned 79,200 hits
2. information most relevant to what you ACTUALLY wanted to search for
I searched for "+staffordshire +bull +terrier +behaviour"
this search returned 22,600 hits
3 Information coming only from university sources
I searched for "+staffordshire +bull +terrier +behaviour and edu"
this search returned 36,600 hits
I don't think I did this last search correctly as none of the results look like they come from university sources. I think that my search phrase is not correct but am not sure how to fix this. Looked over the boolean searching information document and tried to search for how to do this to no avail.
In comparison to my very first search task where I used google to search I am still coming up with the same number one hit when I do my limited search using "and".
Learning to use boolean search techniques enables a more direct search that can filter out a lot of unwanted results. I will definately use this in the future.
Search Engine Task
The phrase I used is "staffordshire bull terrier behaviour".
First Hit -
Total number of hits - about 64,8002.
I decided to use a couple of different search engines to see if the results I got using the same search phrase differed much. The results varied a lot. I still prefer google out of all the searches, yahoo seems to bring up a lot of advertisement and vaguely related sites. The most recurring website was as above which was the first hit for google this appeared in the top five on ask and dogpile too.
The results of each are below.
Tools for Using the Web Task
After reading the discussion forum on this program and Cynthia and Peter deciding to make it optional after others comments I made an executive decision not to bother downloading Copernic after all.
I did not choose to download anymore programs from the list, most of them I already have on my computer at home. I have also downloaded a few other programs and tools throughout this course and did not feel that I needed anymore. I already have a few that I will be removing at the end of this course that I will not use again.
Monday, February 23, 2009
External Free Forum
Web 2.0 Task
Blog Task
Blogging is definitely a widely used tool on the internet that many people use. The uses it has are many and varied and I have seen many personal blogs in my Internet travels along with some used to promote a cause, some people use them as a travel diary and to basically communicate with family & friends all at once. There are so many blogs out there and people use them for many reasons. I found a website that listed the top 100 Australian blogs and thought I would check some out. Number one on the list is gizmodo, this blog seems to have a whole lot of articles written about technology from a far side point of view, very different and weird. Basically there are a lot of blogs on there with a lot of junk on there, I worked my way through a few and didn’t really find anything of too much interest.
I must admit blogging is definitely not my thing. I don’t really enjoy following reading or even keeping a blog. I have found it quite challenging to keep up with the blog entries. I am very aware about what I write about myself and I don’t particularly like the fact that anybody with Internet access can read what I write. I do not like to share personal information and thoughts with people whom I don’t know. When I say people I don’t know I don’t mean fellow peers in this course either. As much as I don’t know you all personally I do know you have a name and identity and similar goals to gain from this learning experience. What I mean more by people I “don’t know” is anybody out there having the ability to see what I have written in my log. I don’t like the fact that when I google my name I get hits and it links to my log, and also facebook for that matter but that is a whole other can of worms. I am not really keen on facebook either.
Basically I have shared many thoughts here that I would not have before doing this course and much of this is due to the fact that I don’t want to fail at this subject, I did want to give it a good go and try to step outside my comfort zone. I think I have managed to do that in such a way that I feel comfortable with, without leaving myself feeling exposed.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Standards task - Copyright
However this is not always the case and people need to look out for and report any recognised breaches to appropriate departments to deal with.
Another area of concern is understanding the copyright laws in full, there could be grey areas which are not clear to the user and this could result in breaches also. The Copyright website contains all the necessary information on fair use .
The next question posed about the use of the curtin logo involved reading the Curtin policies. I will interpret this myself to conclude that it would not be acceptable to use the logo on my work as this is my work and not prepared by Curtin so use of their logo would be misleading.
I believe the logo would come under artwork and would be protected by copyright as per the IP policy document.
I think it is best to be safe when it comes to copyright - "when in doubt, don't."
I'm not validated
I have tried a few times but it keeps coming up with an error. I'm not sure why this is happening but I am going to accept it and move on to the next task.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
I had a few hiccups along the way but found the tutorial very helpful in figuring them out. I put in the command to change all text to another colour. As I was working on my web page it was working. For some reason when I was finalizing the web page the colour went back to black when I was viewing on my PC. I tried to fix it but to no avail, however now when I open it from the presentations folder where I uploaded it, it is green again, yay!
When I uploaded my pictures and index.html file the first time, I opened my web page and the pictures were no where to be seen, only little red crosses. I started to panic then went back to the discussion board to look at others problems to see if I could be helped. Thanks to everyone that posted here as it made my attempt at this task a lot easier than I can imagine it would have been without all the support. When I uploaded my jpg files the extension went to capital letters .JPG. I went back into my html file and changed all the jpg extensions to capital letters and bravo it worked. I can now see all my pictures. If anyone wants to have a look and provide me with any comments and feedback on my web page it is all welcome. I am Group 039 – my first try at html!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
What makes a quality post?
Quality has many different meanings to many people. Quality is definitely a personal thing as what one believes is quality another may not find to be the same. So what is quality to me, and what makes a quality post?
Quality is about substance. If I have found something to be beneficial, have learnt something or I have overcome a challenge by posting this to me deems quality.
To me quality does not have anything to do with quantity. A post does not have to be 500 words to be quality, quite often long posts are simply rambling on and it actually seems like a waste of time having to wade through all the long posts to find any that are helpful, interesting or have relevance. This course has had thousands of posts and many I must admit I’ve read half and given up, it is very time consuming.
I find a quality post gives meaning to the topic, the questions being asked and gives important information. Many posts I consider to be quality in this unit have not even been from those with all the answers but from those with the all important questions. There has been a vast level of experience with the topics in this unit and those that have been brave enough to out themselves as struggling and needing help have posted quality as there are many of us that have been thinking the same thing and just haven’t asked yet. The helpfulness and support of all in this unit has made for an abundance of quality posts. So all in all quality can be anything to anyone based on the situation and what they want to get out of it.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Concepts - Its over
This assignment has taken up so much more time than I expected so hopefully I have made a good effort at it.
Now to focus on my module tasks which I am now considerable behind in.
I have only started working on Module 3 html task and have all of module 3 and module 4 to do along with 2 other assignments for other subjects then exam revision for my other subject too.
This has been a big task but one I have enjoyed all the same as it is different from all the other assignments I have had to do over the past 3 yrs in my degree.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Concepts Assignment
The Internet’s great strength is its openness. It would not flourish, nor work efficiently if it did not encourage people to share material, and to identify themselves for the purposes of networking people as well as computers. However, as a consequence, Internet users are vulnerable to various threats.
But advanced Internet users know that, even without resorting to extensive and complex methods involving encryption, secure networks and the like (most of which are expensive, time-consuming and require detailed technical assistance), they can protect themselves by carefully guarding their personal data and only ever giving out information when absolutely necessary
The Internet is a profoundly ‘open’ system and advanced Internet users are cautious about either accepting or sending material from and to unknown sources and are careful in releasing information about themselves in any form. Conceptually, the Internet challenges us to take greater responsibility for the protection of privacy and security than perhaps we are used to when dealing with the media (Allen, n.d.).
The Internet is becoming the widest used tool by perpetrators to commit bank and identity fraud (Krebs, n.d.). Internet savvy individuals are able to use the Internet to steal people’s identities and use their identification to commit crimes. How can we ensure that we remain safe on the Internet? Being aware and being careful can help to protect you when you are online. Using common sense and following some basic precautions as outlined in the Consumer Guide to Internet Safety, Privacy, and Security (n.d.) can help to ensure that Internet time can be enjoyed safely whilst keeping your privacy intact.
It is necessary to be very careful with the information you put on the web about yourselves. I experienced a situation once where my hotmail account was hacked, I’m not sure if it was a virus or what? I have a work email account and a hotmail account. I have in the past used my email as a way of transferring files. I email from my work email to my hotmail and vice versa so I can then access files at home. Due to this my work email was listed as a contact in my hotmail account. One morning I came into work and checked my email, I had an email from my own hotmail promoting some American company whom I have never heard of. To cut a long story short, everybody on my contact list in my hotmail received the same email message from apparently me, and when I went into my hotmail all my contacts had been deleted. How did this make me feel? Totally violated, all my contacts thought I had sent them this junk and then I couldn’t even email them all to let them know what had happened as all their details were deleted. I quickly went and opened myself a new hotmail account. No serious repercussions as a result of this occurred but this is my experience of how personal information can be stolen. In this case it was only email addresses, it can be much worse in some cases.
There are countless stories regarding identity theft and hacking into systems. Mike (2008) posts about the CEO at Lifelock who had his identity stolen, he was daring people to steal his identity to promote his fraud protection company. Lets just say things didn’t go as planned for Mr. Todd Davis. This just goes to show that with the age of online it is very crucial to be careful about what information you are posting online.
As technology becomes better at preventing intruders, they too become for advanced at penetrating these securities and finding other ways of gaining information. Internet traps such as ‘spoofing’ and ‘phishing’ are used to send fraudulent emails, which the user believes are from a trusted source, and direct them to sites where they are asked personal information (Longley, n.d.). Even the FBI is releasing warnings on the latest forms by Internet crooks. Web-site break ins and e-mail viruses are a high worry for all Internet users at some time, the Internet is such a fast paced changing environment and highly susceptible to ‘cyber terrorism’ (Underwood, 2001). Governments worldwide now have to face these problems and find ways to fight it.
I have always been very cynical about providing personal information online. I use a hotmail account when signing up for anything online and never provide any personal details; I use different birthdays and don’t put my address. On the other hand I use Internet banking and shop online all the time with my credit card. This seems to be a huge contradiction, how do I know that these details will not be stolen!
Annotated References
Site 1: Malware infestation responsible for credit card data breach.
This article was written by Joel Hruska and outlines potential credit and debit card thefts that have occurred from Heartland Payment Systems. Heartland Payments Systems is an independent payment processor in the United States, which may be responsible for the largest data breach by leaking over 100 million peoples card details onto the black market.
The source of the leak has been identified as unauthorised Malware on one of the systems that forms part of the payment processing chain. The Malware is designed to track and report the magnetic information stored on the card. The potential credit card fraud as a result of this leak is huge. This goes to show how even a so-called safe or credible payment processing company can have faults with significant repercussions. Whatever information is provided over the Internet can never be 100% secure there is always a chance of somebody accessing your information and using it for other purposes.
Site 2: Worm Infects Millions of Computers Worldwide.
This article written by John Markoff in the NY Times and discusses the latest worms to be spread known as Conficker or Downadup. This infection is thought of as the worst since 2003 when the Slammer worm hit. These types of worms ricochet around the Internet at lightning speed and infect computers into unified systems called botnets. Microsoft has released a patch to protect users computers, however the worm continues to spread. Many users are vulnerable to being infected by worms and they can spread so quickly whilst the user is oblivious to the fact. It is unknown who released the worm.
This proves that users need to use the Internet with caution and ensure their computers have the latest anti-virus software to try to defend themselves against these worms.
20. Active communication generates identity awareness
Lurkers, obviously, are real people who exist in many ways. Yet, within the context of a particular list, if they are not posting, then they appear invisible and, indeed, can lack identity completely.
One can only generate awareness of one's membership of an email list by posting messages; others' awareness of your identity will enable them to include you in their discussions and enable you to play your part in the community that is the list (Allen, n.d.).
There are many mixed opinions on lurkers on the internet, JonKatz (1998) states “there are far more Lurkers than participants in most websites that permit posting and open discussions, they are invisible, sometimes counted but almost never seen or heard”. Lurkers don’t submit any ideas they are less likely to participate in arguments or post their opinions. But why is it that people lurk?
Indiana University (2007) defines three types of lurkers: malevolent, benign or constructive. Malevolent lurkers are just like dobbers, they roam forums and simply alert administrators of things that offend them. Benign lurkers are generally shy or feel less educated making it more of a personal insecurity reason as to not participating. Constructive lurkers are those that regularly read posts but lack the time to give a detailed response to a topic.
Many avid users of the Internet become angry, annoyed and frustrated with participation levels and the huge amount of lurkers out there. Platt (2002) explains how people’s frustrations arise out of lack of replies to discussions started. He explains how lurkers are actually good for the lists as they are learning from babblers, people want to learn and they are using the web to do so. Another perspective that those angry and frustrated individuals need to look at is why people lurk, why people don’t want to participate, everybody is different and their reasons differ too.
Many people like the anonymity and the fact they can “cruise” from site to site (JonKatz, 1998). Many people lurk out of fear, of ridicule or humiliation, boredom, self-confidence, bad experiences, overbearing or arrogant posts, lack of time, bad experiences or even just because they are slow at typing (Pawlik-Kenlen, 2007). Therefore without actually knowing or understanding why each and everyone out there is lurking, others should not be judging or criticising out of their own frustration and lack of ability to control their online lists.
Researching this topic has given me another perspective of how my use of the Internet can be perceived by others. I am a lurker, I had never really thought about this concept before. I have never really considered how my use of the Internet and the information provided by others and my non-active participation affects the authors and other users (in this context). I spend a lot of time on the Internet; I look for information, I shop, I Google everything. But I never really participate or contribute anything to the online world. I hadn’t even considered that this might be thought of as unacceptable behaviour. I always imagined that those participating were happy doing so and if others did not want to, or feel the need to, than that was their choice. How wrong was I. To me the whole point of the Internet is to be able to browse for information and look at content that is available without having to establish an identity or be an active participant, it should all be individual choice, and not be judged, as so many posts seem to reveal.
Annotated References
Site 1: What lurkers and posters think of each other
Nonnecke, Preece & Andrews, (2004) conducted an online survey to examine the behaviours and attitudes of posters and lurkers. “The aim of this study is to throw some light on lurkers’ attitudes, and the attitudes of lurkers and posters to each other”(Nonnecke, Preece & Andrews, 2004). The results indicted that both lurkers and posters go online mainly for personal reasons than work or study. The most popular response from lurkers for not posting was that just browsing and reading were enough.
The Internet will always have lurkers more than posters and this paper discusses some differences and ways to deal with these differences.
Site 2: Participation Inequality: Encouraging More Users to Contribute
Jakob Nielson researches the inequality percentages online that exist as a result of people who lurk, contribute occasionally and contribute continually. The result of the percentages are 90% lurkers, 9% occasionals, and 1% always posters. The results when plotted create a zipf curve.
Downsides to the participation inequality include customer feedback, reviews, politics, search and signal to noise ratio. This means that the feedback and reviews are not relative to the majority of what people actually think and are reflected only by those who post. Inequality on the Internet results in skewed results that are not really reflective of real results. Ultimately if everybody contributed the outcomes would be more truly reflective but there is no way to make people contribute and majority of us will continue to lurk.
5. The mobility of electronic digital data
Functions such as carbon copying, forwarding and so on enable the most rapid form of communication 'expansion' - bringing other people into communicative circuits - yet seen.
Moreover, once people begin to use email and realise that information can be copied and forwarded very easily, there is a tendency for this 'mobility of data' to become a cultural given in which, routinely, we include more people within circuits of communication than are necessary; or include them in ways that are inappropriate.
Advanced Internet communicators always think about the ways in which their own exploitation of the technological ease of mobile data can impact on other Internet users, seeking to ensure that technical possibility is not simply substituted for effective communication requirements.
While the ability to move data rapidly and simply, and the cultural sensibility of constantly forwarding and sharing information, is to be valued, it does have certain problems (Allen, n.d.).
Email has become a widely used tool for both personal and business communications. Quite often though people seem to take the mobility of data for granted and do not think about what they are sending or forwarding, why they are sending it and if they are sending it to the correct recipients.
In the workplace email has become a highly used tool, Schmidt (2005) states “email use is out of control”. Email is reported to be the most common form of dialogue at work for 71% or people (Email replacing, 2006). Employees choose to send emails rather than having conversations face to face or over the phone; this can result in the breakdown of employee relationships (Schmidt, 2005). Schmidt (2005) explains how email can negatively impact employee relationships:
§ Increased gossip
§ Issues are not addressed or resolved quickly
§ An “us vs. them” environment is created in the workplace
§ Employees don’t form as close relationships and empathy for co-workers declines
§ Frequently leads to miscommunication and misunderstanding
The above effects on email have become so common, I experience them everyday in my workplace. Van (2007) declares that every organization has at least one employee with bad email habits, (ours seems to have many). Misuse and overuse is an abuse of email and creates negative tension in the workplace. Why is that people feel they need to email you when they are sitting right next to you? Email has made the workplace impersonal, you are less likely to chat with people and get to know them on the same level as in the past.
One of the issues faced with communicating via email is that it does not have the ability to convey meaning through inflection, or with tone and accent that is used in speech (Britell, 1996). Continual misuse of email can cause frustration and confusion if not used carefully as many of the signs used for feedback are lost. Brittel (1996) states that the indiscriminate, inappropriate and overuse of email can cause emails to be unread and trashed. Some people even create or forward so much email that it borders on spamming, this results in their credibility being lost and all future emails being trashed and the sender being blacklisted (Britell, 1996).
Bad email habits include using subject lines that don’t explain the message, use of cryptic, not to the point messages, unnecessarily CC’ing or BCC’ing people in, not proof reading and making emails too long (Van, 1996). Too often emails are sent without regard to their importance; it is essential to critically think about who and why you are sending an email (MacNevin & Schymitzek, 2007). Don’t just CC everybody in on messages so they need to wonder why they are receiving the email, it is only necessary to send emails to those who need to act on the email. Avoid forwarding emails that are chain mail as well, nobody really likes to receive them and nobody believes anything terrible will happen to them if they don’t send it to 10 people in the next 10 minutes.
Why is it that everyone is now hiding behind their email? Email is great for quick one-way conversation, it provides a written record but it needs to be recognized that it can’t totally replace the telephone or in person communication (Email replacing, 2006). I don’t think we will ever get back to where we used to be with communication, technology has changed and will continue to change the world as we once knew it. Change is not necessarily a bad thing, but we must recognize the change and learn to adapt whilst also using being conscious to use technology responsibly and appropriately.
Annotated References
Site 1: E-mail communication -- The good, the bad & the ugly§ion=guides
Ronnie Moore has written this article in the Prairie Business Magazine. It exposes the effective and ineffective use of email. Email has its use and can be effective when used to; down/upload information, reach many people at the same time and when messages don’t require repeated interaction (Moore, 2008). Email loses its effectiveness when face to face communication is replaced, how many times have you been involved in emailing backwards and forwards to have a conversation which takes twice as long than picking up the phone.
It is critical to think wether email is the right form of communication to use. It is also important to not let email take over our lives why is it that we constantly feel the urge to “log in “ and check our mail first thing in the morning to last thing at night?
Site 2: Irresponsible Forwarders Exposed!
Judith (2008) writes about a very important that is the privacy breach associated with forwarding emails. Many people are irresponsible forwarders; they simply forward all emails without verifying the content. I would say many of us guilty of not verifying emails before forwarding but very valid of Judith (2008) to point out the necessity to do so. By going to or it is possible to look up to see whether an email is real or a hoax. Remember also to always delete others email addresses when forwarding messages; it is a very bad breach of privacy to forward on or reply to peoples emails without their authority. Responsible email use needs to be practiced by all.
7. Netiquette
But what is important about Netiquette is the concept that there are these 'agreed' rules of what is good and bad.
Understanding why and now netiquette operates is more than just learning those rules (for, indeed, there are numerous differences and disagreements about the 'rules'). Rather, one must gain from a reading of 'netiquette' a sense that users must themselves contribute to the proper functioning of the Internet as a communication system: that no-one is in 'charge' of the net and we all must exercise an ethic of maintenance, taking responsibility for doing it 'right'. Moreover, what defines 'right' most of all is : 'how would I feel if this action I am about to take was done to me, instead of by me?' and, as a test of whether you are implementing 'right' properly, ask yourself "if I assume the recipient of my messages is less experienced than me, will they learn something 'good' or 'bad' from what I am doing?'
The difference is that, in the latter case, the immediacy of the communication, the sense of ‘back and forth’ means that damaging practices cannot be as easily ignored (Allen, n.d.).
Communication online brings with it a new set of considerations that need to be made. By understanding and following the guidelines and rules for netiquette we can helpt ot keep ourselves safe online and deal with unwanted or unacceptable behaviour.
Netiquette rueles were developed to deal with speed and anonymity on the Internet (Netiquette n.d.). The internet enables fast communications that quite often “typing, pointing, and clicking often resulted in careless sloppiness, unintentional blunders, or hasty belligerence” (Netiquette n.d.). It is hoped that by developing rules of netiqette people will take more care and notice of the messages they send and also more responsibility for their actions even when they are anonymous.
So what exactly are some of the rules of netiquette, Rinaldi (1996a, cited in Scheuermann & Taylor, 1997) lists some as not using your computer to cause harm, interfere with other people’s work, snoop into others files, steal or copy software that is not paid for and to use the computer in a way to show consideration and respect. Brakeman (1995, cited in Scheuermann & Taylor, 1997) also discusses netiquette to be brief, descriptive with subject headings, careful with humour and sarcasm and use appropriate references. There are many documents on the internet that make suggestions for what netiquette is and the rules that should be followed.
To me netiquette is about ethics and morals. One should conduct themselves in a way that they would in person and should not simply do or say things just because nobody can see them or know who they are. It seems that the Internet has bred bullies out of otherwise harmless individuals (Sheffield, 2007). With the Internet people are hiding behind their computers and many people who don’t have the courage to stand up for themselves in person now use the Internet to threaten and abuse others. These individuals are known as Cyberbullies.
It is all very well to have a set of guidelines for appropriate online behaviour but how is it taught, and how are violations dealt with? How can we ensure compliance with the rules of netiquette, and who will control users?
Responsibility for use of the Internet lies with the individual, one must take responsibility for their own actions. However as there are many individuals out there who have a disregard for others it is important that everybody with good netiquette habits helps others to learn these habits of how to conduct themselves online. Scheuermann & Taylor (1997) note that online service providers, employers and governments can promote and encourage good behaviours by punishing major netiquette breaches.
Violations of netiquette can be a crime and people need to acknowledge this. A Canadian Court has taken lead and made a ruling that unsolicited commercial email is a violation of netiquette (Canadian Court, 1999). The court has given authority for Internet Service Providers (ISP) to disconnect customers committing violations, a violation is in breach of the contract and the ISP can terminate the services. If more actions are taken like this one hopefully violators start to take things seriously and think twice about their online behaviours.
Annotated References
Site 1: The Net Lothario
Internet use can leave you wide open to a violation and this is exactly what Shea (n.d.). talks about in this story the net “lothario”. This particular story relates to a man who successfully charmed and romanced women on WELL. These originally online relationships developed to a physical level. To cut a long story short these women chatted and discovered they had been involved with the same man. He had lied to and manipulated them.
In response to this mans behaviour the women posted a warning to a public forum to let other women know so they too wouldn’t be scammed, this was good netiquette as they took action to protect others rather than gain revenge for themselves (Shea, n..d.).
Site 2: Quick Facts: Internet Flaming
Quick Facts (2005) discusses flaming as a major problem on the Internet, which is classified as bad netiquette. Flaming is a big nuisance on the Internet and anybody is vulnerable to becoming a victim, which can in turn result in a flame war. Flaming is the deliberate attack on somebody to cause offence, personal attacks, insults and the like. Why do people feel the need to flame, some think it is fun and get entertainment out of doing so, others do it out of anger or to show their authority (Quick Facts, 2005).
Flaming is a major down point of the Internet, but understanding it can help you to prevent or avoid it.
Reference List
Allen, M. (n.d.) Curtin University of Technology, Concepts. Retrieved 20 December, 2008, from
Britell, J. (1996). AVOIDING THE DARK SIDE OF EMAIL. Retrieved 15 January, 2009 From
Canadian Court Rules That Spam is a Violation of Netiquette, (1999). Retreived 28 January, 2009, from,
Consumer Guide to Internet Safety, Privacy, and Security (n.d.). Retrieved 7 January, 2009, from
Email replacing phone and face- to-face contact (2006). Retrieved 16 January, 2009, from;col1
Hruska, J. (2009). Malware infestation responsible for credit card data breach. Retrieved 20 January, 2009, from
Indiana University, (2007). What is a Lurker? Retrieved 15 January, 2009, from
JonKatz, (1998). Luring the Lurkers. Retrieved 19 January, 2009, from
Judith (2008), Irresponsible Forwarders Exposed! Retrieved 23 January, 2009, from
Krebs, M. (n.d.). Internet Fuelling Boost In Fraud & Identity Theft. Retrieved 7 January, 2009, from
Longley, R. (n.d.). 'Spoofing' and 'Phishing' and Stealing Identities - FBI warns of latest expensive Internet traps and tricks. Retrieved 8 January, 2009, from
MacNevin, S. Schymitzek, T. (2007). Email Culture – are you a slave or master? Retrieved 15 January, 2009, from
Markoff, J. (2009). Worm Infects Millions of Computers Worldwide. Retrieved 22 January, 2009, from
Mike (2008). Idiot at Lifelock Loses Identity. Retreived 6 January, 2009, from
Moore, R. (2008). E-mail communication -- The good, the bad & the ugly. Retrieved 24 January, 2009, from§ion=guides
Netiquette, (n.d.). Retrieved 29 January, 2009, from,
Nielson, J. (2006). Participation Inequality: Encouraging More Users to Contribute. Retrieved 21 January, 2009, from
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Platt, B. (2002). LURKERS and BABBLERS and the Make-Up of Your Subscriber Base. Retrieved 10 January, 2009, from
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Schmidt, D. (2005). No Email Fridays. Retrieved 16 January, 2009, from
Shea, V. (n.d.), The Net Lothario. Retrieved 21 January, 2009, from,
Sheffield, A. (2007). Rules of Netiquette. Retrieved 28 January, 2009, from
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Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Module 2
Have found time very hard over the last few weeks with xmas and new year and everything else. Have tried to stay on top of my tasks but fell to the wayside with updating my log. I was recording a lot of stuff from my tasks and have now updated my log, sorry for the delay.
Chat - Group
I logged in at about 6.50pm and there were already a few fellow net11 students chatting. I joined in with the group chat and by 7pm there were a few of us. As the chat went on there were a few more users, we ended up with a group chat with 14 of us at once.
The chat was good we all found a bit out about each other, our study paths and our interests. It felt like I got to know everyone a little bit better. The chat was pretty chaotic, everyone chatting at once and a few conversations happening at the same time. It was pretty full on to keep up with but a good experience.
As for ICQ it was easy to use, this was my first time using. In comparison to msn it looked quite similar I am more used to msn and probably prefer it simply because my friends are on there. This was my first ever group chat using any program, a good experience for this task.
May have to try this one again maybe next Sunday considering there is now a regular sunday chat group, hope to see you there.
Decided to set up ICQ as there was a chat being organised for Sunday 4/1/09.
On 3/1/09 downloaded ICQ and installed.
I decided this would be different option as I had not used ICQ before but had used MSN in the past.
Added a list of numbers for ICQ users and will try to join the Sunday Chat.
Requested for a group discussion
On the other hand discussion boards are sought out by the user. You can go to participate in a conversation or find information from previous conversations. You seek out the conversation and are not bombarded with it.
The only email lists I like to receive are the ones notifying me of when the sales are on.
The only discussion boards I use are for my online study.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Email Task
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