Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Yeah I have finally finished my web page. HTML is really something new for me, it really is like learning a new language. I have found this task to be extremely time consuming. This is not something I will probably pursue in the future (although who knows) but I have given it my best shot. My web page by no means is going to look professional or glamorous at all but I really don’t care. This is my journey and I started from absolute nothing, no previous knowledge at all. So really I think what I have learnt is a lot. From not even knowing how to code a web page to attempting and completing a basic web page is quite a big accomplishment. I am not going to compare my work to others but at least know in myself that I gave it a good shot and I learnt a bunch.

I had a few hiccups along the way but found the tutorial very helpful in figuring them out. I put in the command to change all text to another colour. As I was working on my web page it was working. For some reason when I was finalizing the web page the colour went back to black when I was viewing on my PC. I tried to fix it but to no avail, however now when I open it from the presentations folder where I uploaded it, it is green again, yay!

When I uploaded my pictures and index.html file the first time, I opened my web page and the pictures were no where to be seen, only little red crosses. I started to panic then went back to the discussion board to look at others problems to see if I could be helped. Thanks to everyone that posted here as it made my attempt at this task a lot easier than I can imagine it would have been without all the support. When I uploaded my jpg files the extension went to capital letters .JPG. I went back into my html file and changed all the jpg extensions to capital letters and bravo it worked. I can now see all my pictures. If anyone wants to have a look and provide me with any comments and feedback on my web page it is all welcome. I am Group 039 – my first try at html!

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